The overarching theme of my research concerns the socio-economic well-being of immigrants, racial and ethnic minorities, and low-income populations. My dissertation examines the relationship between local immigrant populations and regional resilience and the recent immigrant integration programs in Rust Belt cities. I also study the adoption dynamics of the latest wave of local immigrant integration initiatives. Another stream of my research focuses on the changing geography of poverty and its implications for regional governance. My research also covers the economic well-being of specific demographic groups, particularly around their labor market and housing market outcomes.
See my Google Scholar profile here.
Research Activities
Refereed Journal Articles
van Holm, E., Huang, X., and Liu, C. Y. (forthcoming). Moving against the Tide: Immigrant Reactions to Sub-national Policy Changes. State and Local Government Review.
Yoder, B.R., Entress, R. M., Huang, X., Sadiq, A-A., Miller J., and Concha, M. (2023). Exploring Human Traffickers' Means of Control: What does Citizenship Got to Do with It? Victims and Offenders.
Huang, X., Yoder, B.R., Tsoukalas, A. Entress, R. M., and Sadiq, A-A. (2022). Exploring the Relationship between Super Bowls and Potential Online Sex Trafficking. Trends in Organized Crime.
Huang, X. (2022). Do Immigrants Build Regional Resilience? An Analysis of U.S. Regions from 1980 to 2010. Cities, 131, 103891.
King, C. and Huang, X. (2022). Neighborhood Violence and Housing Instability: An Exploratory Study of Low-Income Women. Housing Studies. Online First.
King, C., Huang, X., and Dewan, N. A. (2022). Continuity and Change in Neighborhood Disadvantage and Adolescent Depression and Anxiety. Health & Place, 73, 102724.
Huang, X. (2022). Do Local Immigrant-Welcoming Efforts Increase Immigration? The Detroit Experience. Urban Affairs Review, 58(5) 1340-1373. blogpost link.
Yu, C.-Y. and Huang, X. (2021). Before-and-After Analysis of Property Value around SunRail Stations in Orlando, FL. Journal of Urban Design, 26(3), 341-353.
Huang, X. (2021). Immigration and Economic Resilience in the Great Recession. Urban Studies, 58(9), 1885-1905. blogpost link.
Yeo, J. and Huang, X. (2020). Migration in Public Administration Research: A Systematic Review and Future Directions. International Journal of Public Administration, 43(2), 176-187.
Huang, X. and Liu, C. Y. (2019). Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: A Local Policy Perspective. Journal of the American Planning Association, 85(4), 564-584. Coverage in APA blog.
Huang, X., King, C., and McAtee, J. (2018). Exposure to Violence, Neighborhood Context, and Health-Related Outcomes in Low-income Urban Mothers. Health & Place, 54, 138-148.
Huang, X. and King, C. (2018). Food Insecurity Transitions and Housing Hardships: Are Immigrant Families More Vulnerable? Journal of Urban Affairs, 40(8), 1146-1160.
Huang, X. and Liu, C. Y. (2018). Welcoming Cities: Immigration Policies at the Local Government Level. Urban Affairs Review, 54(1), 3-32 (lead article). blogpost link
Pathak, R., Wyczalkowski, C., and Huang, X. (2017). Public Transportation Access and the Spatial Distribution of Poverty. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 66, 198-212.
Liu, C. Y. and Huang, X. (2016). The Rise of Urban Entrepreneurs in China: Capital Endowments and Entry Dynamics. Growth and Change, 47(1), 32-52.
Zhao, Z., Huang, X., Liu, C. Y., Wang, G., and Xu, L. (2013). Literature on China Urban Studies in International Journals: 2000-2012. Journal of Public Administration (in Chinese), 6 (1): 118 – 147.